Mass effect legendary edition censorship
Mass effect legendary edition censorship

mass effect legendary edition censorship

If the goal is to make it more respectful towards Miranda I applaud that, but they didn’t stop there and wanted to the developers to add romance options that weren’t there since the original. PS the developers did stop with the butt censorship and did not proceed to satisfy this black hole. Yes it could be considered a graphics change and not as dramatic as changing the shooting mechanics of the first Mass Effect, but the motives behind the butt censorship are a slippery slope since the people pushing for them are a black hole of happiness. That is where I find issue with the reasons behind the censorship of this game. Evidence of that is the fact that they tried to push the game to include romance options that did not exist originally in the game. The game has changed the camera angles to make Miranda’s cutscenes or moments be more “serious” and less fan service and that’s fine, but it is the push behind it and if taken further that I don’t like. I don’t mind it though, but I do mind the fact that some people and you know who they are aren’t happy with their lives and the world as a whole so they go on ahead and try to change such world to what they believe is happiness. The camera angles don’t fall in graphics or gameplay to me, at least, for this game. The gameplay, specially, combat on the first and second game, but mostly the first Mass Effect needs to be improved and I’m glad they seem to be doing it. I want them to fix the ending (but it’s a remaster for goodness sake) but they won’t and I shared that cause I don’t like the ending like most of you. I also personally think that as a “remaster” time and resources should be utilized at improving and not reimagining the game by staying as close to the original as possible with a focus on graphics and gameplay improvements and not a reimagining of it as I mentioned before and not using such resources, specially, to figure out if a butt is being overly used in an adult rated video game. The issue people found with her was that the camera angles in which the conversations she would have were overly focused on her peach emoji of a behind (butt). She is a creation derived of “fantasy” such as the game she is in. She is obviously supposed to be the equivalent of an OnlyFans, Instagram supermodel that came to be because she probably was the fantasy or the combination of multiple fantasies of a mostly male heterosexual oriented developer team that happened to be making Mass Effect at the time. She is a genetically enhanced human that is supposed to have the best attributes of her species that being that of the humans, more, specifically the female one. Let me start with the most popular of them all which is the censorship you could say of “butts” in Mass Effect more specifically Miranda’s. As you have already heard Mass Effect Trilogy, Legendary, I might add, because that is how EA the corporate money hungry monster of a goliath that owns a ton of our precious video game IPs is calling the, shadow, of Bioware newest “game” which has been attacked for not including new cultural accepted norms.

Mass effect legendary edition censorship